Posted in Better Health
Posted by Peter
on 5 July 2016
Fruit drinks are super tasty and full of energy.
They not only look nice and fresh, but also adding some goods to the water too. It is important to use organic fruit for this otherwise you miss out of all the good flavors. For a summer day you could have in your fridge a can with this delicious water. You can also take it to work or school instead of a sweet lemonade or soda, what a great idea! If you have a small cool bag, you can even keep your fruit drink nice and cool.
Orange, lime ...
Posted by Peter
on 29 June 2016
Drinking great tasting water from your Prestige Water Cooler and losing weight
How drinking water can lead to weight loss
Drinking more than enough water supports weight loss, but to what extent does this actually happen and can we really expect something from it? A new study in the Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietics raises a tip of the veil.
Drinking water reduces the total daily calorie intake.
The study (University of Illinois) examined the drinking habits ...
Posted by Peter
on 27 June 2016
Useful tips to drink more filtered water
Great healthy water from your own water cooler
There is always a lot to do to drink water, I regularly get a question like: "I better drink a juice than a glass of water? There is nothing in water and in juice there is. "This was the reason for me to tell more about the importance of drinking water.
The cleaner
The human body consists of 70 - 75% water! A large part of this water is in our blood. The residual products that arise a...
Posted by Peter
on 13 June 2016
Do you struggle to stay focused on the job?
Then it could be that you simply do not drink enough water!
We have 5 simple tips to get moisture in you to maintain focused in Summer and Winter.
Give your water just that little extra. Turn your regular glass of water a refreshing surprise by adding a few drops of freshly squeezed lemon or orange juice. You can also add some crushed mint leaves to your glass of water to add some extra source of vitamin C. Also you could consider to filt...
Posted by Peter
on 31 May 2016
Tap water is not as healthy as it has been, though the tap water in Australia is still one of the cleanest in the world. The surface water is contaminated with insecticides, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, biocides and other impurities. Sewage treatment plants can not remove all of these impurities and they end up in the environment and therefore in our tap water. Filtering is the solution. Now, I drink myself 2 - 3 liters of filtered tap water myself. Because I drink so much I want to drink wa...