Posted in Better Health
Posted by Peter
on 8 November 2016
The word "soda" covers a range of soft drinks.
A lemonade is usually carbonated and composed of water, sugars and flavoring. Sometimes there are also flavoring extracts of fruit or plants added. You read on the label "fruit lemonade", then there is a minimum 10% fruit juice mixed in.
Seven cubes of sugar
Too many soft drinks use is often one of the main reasons for health problems and especially in overweight children. With a can of soda (0.33 liters) you have quic...
Posted by Peter
on 7 November 2016
Drink more than only water
We often get the question, I want to drink more, but what can I drink besides water that is also healthy? We all know that drinking enough is healthy for our bodies. In practice, we measure in almost every body composition: weight, body fat, muscle mass, moisture content. However, many people have too little fluid in the body. We therefore recommend: drink more! The best you can drink water from your own tap that is filtered by a good water filtration. Filtered ...
Posted by Peter
on 3 November 2016
By drinking water instead of sugar and carbohydrate containing drinks can be easily cross out off hundreds of calories per day. But there are more benefits.... When you drink more water denotes full faster and it is easier to eat less. But what about how? And how much water should I drink each day? In this blog you can read all about losing weight by drinking clean and purified water made from your own tap water by a Prestige Water filter system.
How much water should you drink each day
Posted by Peter
on 1 November 2016
Having years of short hair, but you dream of something more length? To grow longer hair, you probably need a lot of patience. However, there are tips to help nature a helping hand. Curious?
Drink more water
Water is not only good for your body but also for your hair. It helps build healthy, long hair. Do not overdo it, but drink in moderation. Drinking water is also good for your skin. Your skin and drinking water.
Prevent damage
Be careful with the use of the hair dryer and curling...
Posted by Peter
on 28 October 2016
Drinking water is vital! But how many liters of water do you need to drink per day to stay healthy? Many heard the advise to drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water a day if you are an average, healthy adult. But also often use a formula to calculate in your specific case how much water you need each day. That formula is: 0.03 x your body weight = your daily amount of drinking water.
How much water a day is healthy?
Most people know that drinking enough water is healthy for you. Moisture is impo...