Water Filters Darwin and Water Coolers Darwin

Water Filters Darwin is one of Australia's leading suppliers of water filters and water coolers.

Our 7-stage water filter is fitted inside our water filter bottle. This water filter bottle will fit all water coolers and will supply your family or staff with fresh and healthy drinking water every day.

Water Filters Darwin
This 7-stage water filter from water filters Darwin is using water from your own tap. Simply fill this water bottle with tap water and the water filter will remove harmful chemicals you find in tap water also very important minerals will be added back to the water. You will never run out of drinking water, simply refill the water filter bottle.


Prestige Water Filters Darwin

The water filters in Darwin bottles are designed to maximize the purity of the water you are drinking.
They also add essential minerals to improve health.
By removing all of these impurities, your body will be able to filter itself better and you will experience better health and joy in your life.
Know that you are providing yourself with the best clean water today.
This is the Prestige Water 7-stage water filter from Water Filters Darwin. It is fitted inside the filtration bottle.

Filtered Water Coolers Darwin

The First Water Filter Stage:
Primary Filter: Removal of rust, sediment and particles of 5 microns and larger.
The Second Water Filter Stage:
Active Carbon Removes chlorine, thihalom ethanes, organic sediment, and removes bad smells and bad tastes.
The Third Water Filter Stage:
Mineral Balls: Energizes the water molecules, adjusts the water to an optimum mild alkaline level, and restores trace elements such as Iron, Zinc, Magnesium, Strontium, Iodine, Potassium and more.
The Fourth Water Filter Stage:
Coral Sand: Increase calcium level
The Fifth Water Filter Stage:
Active Carbon Removes chlorine, thihalom ethanes, and organic sediment, and removes bad smells and bad taste.
The Sixth Water Filter Stage:
Mineral Balls: Energizes the water molecules, adjusts the water to an optimum mild alkaline level, and restores trace elements such as Iron, Zinc, Magnesium, Strontium, Iodine, Potassium and more.
The Seventh Water Filter Stage:
Ceramic Block: Antibacterial Filter


Save $$$ with Water Filters Darwin

If you buying bottled water please see the table underneath how you can save money to install the Water Filters Darwin bottle.

Filtered Water Dispensers Darwin



Our Water Cooler Darwin Range

Bench Top Water Cooler Darwin with water filter bottle

Bench Top Water Filters Darwin
For details and prices click here: Bench Top with water filters Darwin bottle

Floorstanding Water Cooler Darwin with water filter bottle

Floor Standing Water Filters Darwin
For details and prices click here: Floorstanding with water filters Darwin bottle

Stainless Steel Water Cooler Darwin with water filter bottle

Stainless Steel Water Filters Darwin
For details and prices click here: Exclusive with water filters Darwin bottle

Or send us an email: Contact Prestige Water Filters Darwin

Lose weight by drinking more water from the water filters Darwin

Water is an essential nutrient. It is not that much work, to lose weight. You can easily lose weight by drinking more water. We did not come up with that but can be read in an article in the Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics. Learn more about losing weight by drinking water. The essence of this research is that if you drink three to four glasses of extra water per day, you will use between 68 and 2,015 calories a day less.

The research also revealed that among the 18,000 people who actually took a few more glasses of water from their water filters in Darwin, they scored lower on saturated fats, sugar and cholesterol. We hereby declare water as the magic oil of the 21st century. Someone who drank three glasses of extra water used an average of 5 to 18 grams less sugar per day and it also reduced cholesterol consumption somewhere between 7 and 21 grams.

According to Prestige Water, the effects were the same among all participants. Sex, skin colour, income, body weight, and drinking water achieved the same result for all participants. Bottled water contains fewer minerals than tap water.

"This finding indicates that it might be sufficient to design and deliver universal nutrition interventions and education campaigns that promote plain water consumption in replacement or beverages with calories in various population subgroups without profound concerns about message and strategy customization."

A few extra glasses of water from the water filters Darwin really helps!

On average, the participants in this study drank 4.2 glasses of water a day. On average, they consumed 2,157 calories per day, of which 125 from those delicious sweet drinks and 432 from fatty bites. If participants increased their water consumption by 1%, there was already a significant decrease in the use of calories. What does drinking 2 litres of water your day with your body?

Does water help you lose weight? Drink plenty of filtered alkaline water from your benchtop or floor standing water filter Darwin.

Water is known to have zero calories and is the best thirst quencher. You can of course take advantage of this to a certain extent. As already described above, there are receptors in our stomach that tell our brain as soon as we have eaten enough. A large glass of water about half an hour before your meal can help you avoid a big hunger pang. If you haven't been able to eat anything for a long time for professional or other reasons, there is a high risk that you will eat too much at once. A glass of lukewarm water initially gives your stomach the confidence that you won't starve and can help you avoid binge eating. And sometimes a craving is also a misunderstood feeling of thirst since we have forgotten how to distinguish between thirst and hunger in the early stages.

Why is Filtered Water so Important?