Drinking more than enough water supports weight loss, but to what extent does this actually happen and can we really expect something from it? A new study in the Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietics raises a tip of the veil.
Drinking water reduces the total daily calorie intake.
The study (University of Illinois) examined the drinking habits of more than 18,300 adults. Not only did water from the tap, bottle or cooler reduce the total daily calorie intake by 1 percent, drinking also reduced the intake of saturated fat, sugar, salt and cholesterol.
Water ensures a lower intake of fats, salt and sugar.
People who took one, two or three more cups of water per day (250 to 750 ml) reduced their total energy intake by 78-235 grams. They also consumed 5-18 grams less sugar and consumed 7 to 21 grams less cholesterol daily.
"The impact of simple water intake was the same for every ethnicity, and for every level of education, income and body weight. These findings indicate that it may be enough to promote ordinary water instead of other drinks, during food interventions and campaigns. "
On average, participants drank about 1 liter of water a day, 30% more than their usual water intake. The 1% decrease in total daily calorie intake amounted to a decrease of 8.6 calories per day. Whether the daily decrease of 8.6 calories is enough to only promote water during nutritional interventions, as the authors say, not everyone will think the same.
The results were greatest for men, and young and middle adults.
Previous studies have shown that drinking more than enough water has greater effects.
For example, drinking half a liter of water led to an acceleration of the metabolism of 24-30% for a duration of 1.5 hours.
These results led to a calorie loss of 96 calories per day, still a lot more than the 8.6 calories from the UI study.
The timing is also important: drinking water half an hour before every meal is the most effective. It makes fuller, so that less is eaten.
A study in Obesity reports that participants who drank half a liter of water half an hour before a meal lost 44% more weight over a 12-week period.
Drinking cold water is best, because the body then uses energy to bring the water to body temperature. That's why many models drink ice water all day long.
Water for a better energy level and brain.
But it's not all about weight and weight. A better energy level and sharper brain function are also welcome. And the brain is strongly influenced by the hydration status. Even mild dehydration (1-3% of body weight) can negatively affect many aspects of brain function.
When young women in a study had lost 1.36% of body fluid after training, mood and concentration decreased and headaches increased. A similar study, but with young men, showed that a loss of 1.59% moisture was damaging to working memory and that feelings of anxiety and fatigue increased.
Many other studies show this effect of mild dehydration on mood, energy level, memory and other brain functions, from children to the elderly.
Other benefits of water.
Dehydration triggers headache and migraine. Drinking water relieves this. This is not the case with every type of headache, but if drinking water does not have an effect on the frequency of headache, it reduces the intensity and duration somewhat.
Water helps with clogging. Low water consumption is a risk factor for clogging in young and older people. Spring water with puncture in particular is promising in the case of blockage, although the reason is not fully understood.
Drink water with kidney stones. Water can prevent the formation of these painful crystallized nuggets in people who have previously had kidney stones. Water is not the only moisture that can prevent the formation of kidney stones: this also applies to herbal teas and apple juice. Coffee, soft drinks and alcohol can promote kidney stones.
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