Posted in Better Health
Posted by Peter
on 7 April 2017
Great Tasting Drinking Water with Minerals from a Water Cooler from Prestige Water
Hot and Cold Drinking Water Coolers
That bottled water is bad for the environment and the wallet has been known, but now also growing doubts about the widely presumed benefits of mineral water. That has in many cases even less minerals than ordinary filtered tap water. Filtered water or bottled water.
This is evident from Thursday published study on 29 brands of mineral water (sparkling) in Germany. Thi...
Posted by Peter
on 7 April 2017
We really have to realize that water is supposed to be on our list of nutrients.
Many people become ill due to a locally occurring chronic unintentional dehydration that caused inflammation without 'thirst'.
Filtered tap Water from Prestige Water is in fact the main instrument for the release of energy for all functions of the human body, the chemical hydraulic action.
By a lack of 'free' water lost this crucial role in all bodily functions that suffer from the sh...
Posted by Peter
on 27 March 2017
Most people know that it is important to drink plenty of water. Still, many Australian do it enough! Have you ever drunk sometimes long time no water and had the feeling that your body surrendered? This is because water is essential for our body. Our body is 70% water, our brains even 90%. So you can imagine how important it is for our bodies to function properly. Below 10 reasons why you should drink a lot!
The benefits of drinking lots of water!
1. Prevents muscle pain and joint pain
Posted by Peter
on 7 March 2017
By drinking water from the filtered water cooler from Prestige Water you can drink instead of sugar and carbohydrate-containing drinks can be easily cross off hundreds of calories per day.
But there are more benefits
Actually I should drink more water. When you drink more water denotes full faster and it is easier to eat less.
Drinking water to lose weight is a very simple and healthy way. Maybe you already knew this, but it can still be a challenge to drink enough water every day.
In t...
Posted by Peter
on 25 February 2017
When the body excretes water, to give the salivary glands in the mouth less saliva off. This makes the mouth drier. This dryness of the mouth is experienced as thirst. Water and survival for the human being. Water is the transport system of the body, through which nutrients and waste materials to be transported be discharged. Water breaks down the food, keep your body in balance and keep your skin can supple.we weeks without food, water like oxygen for human survival. With...