Water Coolers Adelaide with Filter Bottle

Great tasting alkaline drink water from your benchtop and floor standing water coolers Adelaide with Filtration Bottle

Benchtop Water Cooler Adelaide with Filter Bottle
Floor Standing Water Cooler Adelaide with Filter Bottle
Exclusive Water Cooler Adelaide with Filter Bottle

Alkaline drinking water benefits from the benchtop and floor standing water coolers Adelaide with filtration bottle

The human body consists of about 70 percent water. However, this can hardly be stored and that is why it is important to drink enough water.

Water is important for a variety of processes, including:

  • Supply your cells with nutrients, How do I get more energy?
  • Detoxification of the body
  • Decrease in body temperature
  • Skin rejuvenation

Find a healthy middle ground

When do I actually drink enough and what is perhaps too much? We will look into this question below and give you some tips so that you can find the right balance.

Drinking too little: effects

If you drink irregularly or too little, the body can suffer in the long term. The following symptoms can occur:

  • High blood pressure
  • Limited oxygen supply
  • Kidney failure

However, before such acute risks occur, the body gives clear signals. If you don't drink enough, you become dehydrated. This happens more often and faster than you think! You can tell when you urgently need to drink something by these signs:

  • Headache
  • Elevated body temperature
  • Dizziness
  • Body aches
  • Fatigue
  • Difficulty concentrating

Drinking too much: effects

Yes, drinking water is very healthy. However, if you drink significantly too much, it can lead to water intoxication! The excess water dilutes the blood, which can lead to disorientation, muscle weakness or even heart failure due to the drop in salt concentration. Alkaline water, is the nature of water

How much water should you drink per day?

A third of our water requirement is already covered by food intake. In order to supply the body with enough liquid, it is therefore important that you drink enough water. The recommended drinking amount is 1.5 to two litres of water a day. That's the equivalent of about eight glasses of tap water or mineral water - depending on your taste. Alternatively, you can also choose unsweetened tea.

Tip: Drink a glass of warm tap water in the morning to stimulate your digestion and give your body the opportunity to remove toxins.

When you need a lot of water

  • In the heat

  • During physical exertion
  • When consuming alcohol or caffeinated beverages

On hot summer days, we have an increased feeling of thirst - a sign that we should drink a little more. You should also drink water after consuming alcohol or caffeine. The same applies to high physical stress. Because through the formation of sweat, we humans try to cool down and a lot of fluid is consumed.

Drink water: app

If you're having trouble remembering to drink, an app can help you remind yourself. One example is the Daily Water app. This reminds you to drink water regularly with notifications and you can even see statistics on whether you have drunk enough in the past few weeks. An alternative to this is the "Hydro" app, which, after entering the required data, calculates exactly how much water you need to drink and uses this to remind you to drink again and again.


If you drink between 1.5 and two litres of water a day, you make a significant contribution to keeping your body healthy. You're also more efficient and you may notice that your skin looks fresher and younger - in contrast to the days when you might have neglected to drink water. If you find it difficult to remember to drink regularly, then use apps like "Daily Water", and "Hydro", which will notify you when you should take a drinking break.

Prevents bladder infections and kidney stones by drinking plenty of filtered water

Bladder infections are uncomfortable and painful. Drinking plenty of water is recommended as a preventive measure. As a result, the bladder is rinsed out vigorously and bacteria cannot settle so easily. Drinking also dilutes the urine, resulting in fewer minerals being deposited in the kidney.

Healthy alkaline drink water with minerals from the Adelaide water cooler with a filtration bottle

Drink small amounts regularly from an Adelaide Water Cooler

The best way to keep our body hydrated is to drink small amounts over and over again throughout the day. A glass of water every 1 to 2 hours is optimal because we cannot drink "in advance". Our body cannot store water and excretes excess amounts. What helps me is always having a glass of water on my desk and always leaving the house with a drinking bottle - it's also very handy if one of the kids gets thirsty.

Drinking Alkaline water Adelaide stimulates natural digestion

Not a fine topic, but very important: if you drink enough, you ensure that digestion is stimulated. Because if there is too little fluid intake, the large intestine withdraws the water from the small humps of the intestinal wall until constipation occurs. Water is necessary to keep the intestinal walls nourished so they can work easily and get rid of all waste products with ease.

Why is Filtered Water so Important?