Water tightens you, keeps your cells fit - and has zero calories! But prefer still water: According to new research, carbonic acid makes you hungry!
Drinking water works for your figure - it definitely helps you lose weight. Because with enough water our body gets the medium it needs for all metabolic and excretory processes. The German Nutrition Society (DGE) recommends 2 litres of water a day, and even more for strenuous sporting activity - if you lose two litres of sweat, there is a risk of cramps, nausea, weakness and concentration problems.
The body loses up to 3 litres of water a day through urine, sweat and breath. This deficit needs to be compensated because:
Even a slight deficit in drinking water causes fatigue and a lack of concentration - and thirst is often misinterpreted as hunger. That means unnecessary calories, although we only need to drink a glass of water.
Doesn't carbonated water taste too boring for you? Do you prefer bubbling? Then at least you don't have to worry about your health: In the summer of 2018, Sifting Warranted tested a total of 30 natural mineral glasses of water with a high carbonic acid content - an impressive 17 of them received a “good” in the overall rating, including very cheap discount products. Here you can find out which brands did particularly well.
For those who want to lose weight with water, however, still, water actually seems to be better than carbonated mineral water. This assumption is now also supported by completely new research by the Palestinian University of Bir Zait in the West Bank. There, a research team tested under identical conditions on and with two teams of rats for a year - one group was given still water to drink and the other sparkling water. The exciting result: that group of animals that drank the carbonated mineral water gained significantly more weight!
The reason the researchers found was that the so-called hunger hormone reline is increasingly secreted in the "water-with-carbonated" drinking animals - reline increases the appetite and thus also increases the intake of food. In addition, the carbon dioxide rats also stored larger amounts of fat in the liver after completing the test series. Hot and cold mineral water coolers Adelaide. What does water do in your body?
The research group then checked their results in a group of 20 male students - the sparkling water students had up to six times higher reline levels. So stick with national goalkeeper Manuel Never, who recently responded to the question about his favourite food in a FIT FOR FUN interview: “Lots of still water. Small bubble! "
Every second person drinks too little. That is the result of a survey by the Berlin institute on behalf of Soda Stream, in which more than 1,000 Australian citizens were asked about their water consumption. Result: The water consumption of Australia is quickly neglected or simply forgotten in stressful everyday life, especially by older people. Fatigue is solved by drinking water.
The respondents give the best opportunities to bring your fluid balance into shape at work, university and school. Closely followed by lunch and dinner in fourth place. Bottles are also often used when doing sports. Four out of ten water drinkers find exercise a good opportunity to do so as to drink. It is even every second among 18 to 44-year-olds. Editor's tip: If you constantly drink too little or forget to drink completely, you can record your water consumption with various apps or set reminders at certain times of the day so that the required minimum amount per day is achieved. Healthy alkaline filtered mineral water coolers Adelaide.
If you drink regularly throughout the day, it will be easier to take in a sufficient daily amount of liquid. According to a survey, only 28 per cent of people who mainly only drink with meals achieve their daily target. Still, it's worth using solid habits, like eating out with the family, to drinking. There are many small rituals that can be combined with a glass of water. Do you like drinking coffee? Accompany each cup with a sip of water. Are you reading a good book? Bring something to drink before settling into the reading chair. Prefer listening to podcasts? In addition to your headphones, grab your water bottle. The principle can be applied to many daily habits. A relaxed tea ritual also ensures that you drink more liquid.