Do you want more beautiful skin, more energy, fewer cravings and a better metabolism? Then you should make a habit of drinking lots of water!
Everyone knows how important it is to drink plenty of water - and yet we drink too little. Man can survive for weeks without food (Mahatma Gandhi managed 21 days!), But without water, he can only survive a few days. Our body is made up of almost 70% fluids. If he doesn't get enough water, dehydration occurs. In the process, water and tissue are increasingly withdrawn. The blood thickens and can no longer flow as well and this reduces the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the cells. There is a loss of mental and physical performance.
Anyone who does a lot of sports drinks coffee and often goes to the sauna has a relatively high water loss. The body has to compensate for this. We at Women's Best did the self-test and drank 3.5 litres of water every day. Before it was around 2 to 2.5 litres, but a litre more water per day has changed a lot.
If you drink more alkaline filtered water from a hot and cold water cooler Adelaide, the body gets used to the larger amount of liquid very quickly, so a feeling of thirst occurs more often. Advantage: You don't have to keep reminding yourself to drink, you just do it. Disadvantage: You have to go to the toilet CONSTANTLY. But that's something you gladly accept. If the urine is almost as clear as water, then we have drunk enough.
1. Better skin by drinking enough
The first positive changes are noticeable after just three days. The complexion is rosier, the skin plumper and more radiant. Not without reason, because the additional water plumps up the skin from the inside. If the body is dehydrated, dryness lines appear and the complexion appears pale.
2. Drink more energy by drinking 3 litres a day
These are the consequences of drinking too little water. No more chronic fatigue and exhaustion. The notorious afternoon low has no chance anymore! Water ensures that the metabolic processes function optimally. This means that more nutrients can be transported into the cells. The result: more energy and improved performance.
3. Drinking water prevents headaches
One of the main reasons for migraines and headaches is dehydration. No wonder, because the brain consists of 95% (!!) water. This means that even the slightest lack of fluid will not be optimally supplied with water and oxygen. It shrinks and quickly reports pain signals to draw attention to the deficiency. The next time you have a headache attack, it is better to drink a litre of water than to take the pain reliever immediately.
4. Drink plenty of water and get fewer cravings
We often confuse feelings of hunger and thirst and eat instead of drinking. It can be seen that the cravings are significantly less if you drink enough throughout the day. If you have a large glass of water before every meal (including snacks), you automatically eat less because the water fills your stomach for free and you feel full more quickly.
5. Better joints
Our synovial fluid decreases over time. This can result in disc problems, rheumatism, arthritis and back pain. Water is needed as a buffer and lubricant in the crevices of the joints. The signals of a lack of water can be joint pain and stinging pain. In the worst case, the bones can rub against each other - this can lead to inflammation or even rheumatism. Having enough filtered water from a filtered hot and cold water cooler Adelaide keeps our joints supple, so always drink enough!
6. Anti-aging: Drinking too little can have a negative effect on the complexion of your skin
You can apply as much cream as you want, if the skin does not get any moisture from the inside, you quickly look old. If you drink too little water, the skin really dries up. We need water to look plump and fresh and to fill in wrinkles.Our tip: For an even fresher appearance, you can also supply your skin with moisturizing collagen. A True Beauty Collagen Drink will help you, making your skin glow in no time.
7. Drinking water detoxifies
Water flushes toxins and waste products from our bodies and supports the liver and kidneys in their work. When these two organs can no longer work properly, a kind of poisoning occurs. Especially when we smoke and drink alcohol or a lot of caffeine, we need a lot of water. 10 Ways to keep your kidneys healthy. Even with a high protein diet, we have to drink more because the kidneys produce more urine.Does drinking keep your skin hydrated? - Not correct! Because the supply of the interior of the tissue differs from that of the skin surface. In fact, water can pull moisture from the outer skin. Many people are familiar with this phenomenon when, for example, in winter your hands appear dry and cracked despite washing your hands, or when your skin appears dry and chapped after a long shower. The best way to moisturize the skin from the outside is with a special moisturizer.