Water is vital. More than 50 per cent of the human organism consists of water - in babies, it is even around 70 per cent. Fluid is constantly excreted through the skin, intestines (stool), kidneys (urine) and when breathing. Therefore, fluids must be continuously absorbed. Adults should drink a minimum of 1.5 litres of water from beverages per day. Those who drink too little must expect reduced physical performance. Try to drink plenty of alkaline filtered water from a Prestige Water free standing water cooler in Adelaide.
Water has many different functions. It is contained in every body cell and all body fluids - e.g. in saliva, gastric juice, the lymph or blood. Among other things, water is necessary to maintain heat regulation (sweating). The transport of nutrients, metabolic end products and breathing gases depends on water. All chemical reactions in the body also require water.
How much should you drink a day?
The need for water differs and depends on various factors (e.g. the energy metabolism, the ambient temperature and the composition of the food, the salt content of the food and physical activity). Depending on their age, adolescents and adults should consume between 30 and 40 ml of water per kilogram of body weight per day.
As a rule of thumb for healthy adults: approx. One ml of water per one kcal per day. At 2,500 kcal, that equates to 2.5 litres per day for adults.
According to the Food Pyramid, at least 1.5 litres of non-alcoholic, low-energy drinks such as water, mineral water, unsweetened fruit or herbal tea or highly diluted fruit and vegetable juices should be drunk daily. Great tasting water straight from the free standing water cooler Adelaide.
When should infants start drinking water?
From the tenth month onwards, infants should regularly drink fluids when they switch to family meals - in addition to breastfeeding or baby food. (Tap) water and unsweetened fruit teas are suitable (mate, green and black teas are not suitable). Special children's teas or drinks are not required. If you have a high fever, severe diarrhea or vomiting, it may be important to drink earlier - talk to your pediatrician.
Can you drink too much?
Water poisoning (intoxication) is very rare but can occur when the elimination capacity of the kidneys is overwhelmed. One possible consequence is the development of brain edema. The maximum amount of liquid that an adult can ingest daily over a longer period of time is approximately ten litres. To suffer acute water poisoning, an adult (70 kg) would have to drink six litres of water within a short period of time. For infants (one-month-old and four kilograms) this risk threshold can be reached much more easily with 0.4 litres of water and for small children (one-year-old and ten kilograms) with 0.9 litres of water.
The following symptoms of excessive water intake include:
Certain diseases (e.g. kidney dysfunction) are usually responsible for water overload.
What happens if you are dehydrated?
Calculate how much water you should drink. A lack of fluids shows up quickly through various signs. Depending on the extent of the defect, this includes:
Dehydration and possible consequences often affect older people, especially with swallowing difficulties. Severe water loss can lead to serious physical damage. Without the replacement of the liquid, there is a danger to life. Many minerals are found in the water from the Prestige Water free standing water cooler in Adelaide. 7 Ways to influence your energy intake. Substances that are normally excreted in the urine can no longer be adequately eliminated by the organism after two to four days.
The need for fluid is increased e.g. during physical exertion, during sport, at high or very low temperatures and during fever, vomiting and diarrhea. The body also needs more fluids during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and more should be drunk.
Tap water is an ideal, calorie-free thirst quencher! Drinking water is a valuable foodstuff and can cover the liquid requirement excellently. The water from the tap is about 100 times cheaper than purchased mineral water and just as recommendable. Anyone who avoids the production and transport of mineral water bottles in this way also relieves the burden on the environment and protects the climate.
Are you drinking enough? Do the check in the "Weight under control" guide - because if you drink enough, you increase your well-being, and prevent headaches and lack of concentration. With 10 simple approaches, the guide shows how well-being, weight and health can be positively influenced.