Drinking water is important. But how much should we drink to get through the day healthy? We'll tell you and give you further tips for your drinking water.
Nothing works in the body without water. Even the intervertebral discs cause problems if we do not drink enough fluids. Because water is part of all body cells and is necessary for metabolism. Drinking lemon water in the morning is good for you.
Water regulates body temperature, not only when we sweat in summer. If we drink too little, it damages our organs - and all of it. We also need sufficient fluids for the brain, mucous membranes, digestion, and kidneys. Our skin also benefits from drinking water - it becomes more beautiful and purer as a result.An adult consumes an average of two litres of water a day, explains a doctor in the article. 0.7 litres of it enter the body through food alone. So you have to drink significantly less active than the long-known two litres - and only when you are thirsty.
Another mistake is revealed here: Many believe that one must drink before a feeling of thirst even sets in. In this way, the body should always be supplied with sufficient fluids. There is nothing to this argument, however, explains a nutritionist Online: "Thirst is a signal from the body. He wants to say: I need water now, not sooner and not later. "However, this does not necessarily apply to small children and older people - they often have problems with their feeling of thirst. With them, it may therefore make sense to make sure that they drink enough. What does drinking water really does for your skin?
Researchers from the universities of Birmingham and Oxford report this. The results of their research are published in Obesity magazine. Alkaline water is the nature of water.
The British scientists did their research among a small group of 84 overweight adults. Half of that group faithfully drank half a litre of water for every meal for three months, the other half did not.
On average, the group that drank water lost 2.4 kilos, and the control group only had half that.
The researchers admit that it is not a big weight loss, but if the diet can be maintained for longer, it makes sense. A similar study was already carried out in 2010 with the same results as the outcome. The recent survey has broadened to the general population. Try to drink from a floor standing water cooler in Adelaide. The participants came from all walks of life.
Humans can go without solid food for a little over a month but survive without liquid for only two to four days. If you drink less than a litre a day, your body is not getting enough. Functions such as nutrient transport cannot be maintained in this way. Therefore, the organism withdraws fluid from the blood instead. This leads to the first symptoms, such as headaches or dizziness. This is particularly dangerous for older people because dizziness makes it easier for people to fall. Inflammation of the urinary tract and constipation are also possible consequences of dehydration. In the worst case, this can lead to circulatory and kidney failure. Therefore, remember to drink regularly and throughout the day.