We all know that it is important to get enough moisture, especially when it is warm. Because if you don't, you can get quite a few health problems.
We always look for complex solutions for ailments, while sometimes something can be easily solved. For example, drinking enough is super important. The nutrition center recommends drinking 1.5 to 2 liters every day, that is 6 to 8 glasses. Because what exactly happens to your body when you don't? The consequences of moisture deficiency can be annoying:
One of the first symptoms of a fluid deficiency is a headache. This is because your brain in particular cannot cope with dehydration. Your brain consists of 85% water, even more than the rest of your body, which consists of 75% water. If there is not enough water, the cerebrospinal fluid is used, which leads to a headache. A large glass of water from the water cooler Brisbane for the office is the remedy.
When your body is short of water, your mouth produces less saliva and your mouth feels dry. The antibacterial agents in your saliva keep the bacteria in your mouth in check and thus prevent bad breath.
Headaches and a bad mood are often the first signsProlonged moisture deficiency leads to dry skin and wrinkles
A fluid deficiency has a major influence on the heart and heart rhythm. When dehydrated, the plasma volume of the blood decreases, making the blood more viscous. This causes the heart to pump faster to transport enough blood and oxygen to your organs. And due to low blood pressure and lack of oxygen, you become languid and have little energy.
Dehydration ensures that less oxygen goes to your brain, making you feel light-headed and even pass out. Especially when you get up from a lying position, you have to watch out. When you get up, it can take a few seconds for blood to flow from your limbs to your brain. So take it easy and have a nice water cocktail. More information: Water Coolers Brisbane
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