At least that is often said. Especially when you are sports. Is water healthy? Still wonder if you are doing well if you go to the toilet too often. How much water is too much, what does your urine's color say about your moisture intake, and is it a good indication that you need moisture? Below are eight myths about your moisture attitude and the extent to which they are true.
The truth: The amount of water ( filtered water from Prestige Water ) you need per day differs per person. As a guide, the Nutrition Center provides 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day. It does not just have to be water, all drinks count with it. Take drinks without added sugars or alcohol. Coffee, tea and milk are also included. If you're thirsty, it's a sign you've been drinking too little. The thirst prick does not last until late. During intensive training, the signal sometimes disappears completely. Therefore, drink enough water in advance. Keep in mind that your kidneys can handle 0.7 to 1 liter of water per hour. The color of your urine is a better measure for this.
The truth: Clear urine is a bit exaggerated. The color of the urine must be light yellow, just like lemon lemonade. If the color is bright, it means that you are full to the edge. If your urine has the color of apple juice or darker and even smells, you need to refresh it.
The truth: Caffeine gives you a boost but at the same time ensures that you have to pee a little more. According to Dr. Yeargin (expert on hydration and hyperthermia among children and teenagers from the University of South Carolina), recent studies showed that 250 to 300 milligrams of caffeine (about two cups of coffee) only last after about 3 hours to ensure that you Urinates a little more. The research also showed that sports are eliminating this effect. If you run coffee within one to two hours after your head, you do not spend more than usual. When exercising, the energy in the body goes to your muscles, making your organs more active. Do not worry if you drink a coffee every day. The effect on your body and performance will be minimal because you are used to it.
The truth: Actually I should drink more water. Thirst is definitely a good measure. Some experts just wonder if this should be your only directive. One other method is to weigh yourself before and after a long run. Then you know how much moisture you sweat in kilos. Read on this page more about this method.
The truth: Although water is a good way to stay hydrated it's not always the best choice. Water is enough for a quiet walk of an hour on a cool day. On a hot summer morning, where you lose a lot of sweat and salt you also need some sodium. Salt helps your body to hold water. Sports drinks or water added to electrolytes are then a better option. You can drink this kind of drinks during your walk. If you drink such a drink for your training, you do not waste anything that you do not need.
The truth: Too much water can cause water poisoning (water intoxication / hyponatriaemia). Water poisoning occurs when too much water and too little electrolytes are consumed. Less than one percent of the marathon runners develop symptoms of water poisoning. Some groups are more sensitive, such as people who run a marathon for more than four hours, and people who walk or run a large part in colder weather (you do not sweat as intense as on warmer days). The best way to prevent water poisoning is to finish on your natural gauge: thirst. Tips to drink more water.
The truth: There is no evidence that drinking a lot of water cleans your body. Too much water can slightly damage the ability of the kidneys to purify blood.
The truth: Hyperthermia is life-threatening. Your body temperature rises uncontrollably due to a disturbance of the balance between heat production and heat loss. If you are dehydrated, you are more sensitive to it. There are several factors involved in hyperthermia: your body size, the intensity of exercise, fitness and age, but also humidity and weather can affect. Enough drinking water can reduce your risk, but take into account other factors.
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