Benchtop Filtered Water:
Floor Standing Filtered Water:
Exclusive Filtered Water:
Why is Filtered Water better than Bottled Water
Great tasting water cooler with a 7-stage filter bottle
Getting informed about the water you're really drinking.
Water Filtration and Water Coolers from Prestige Water
Protect your family's health and future with a high quality Water Cooler from Prestige Water:
A good water filter ( 7-stage filter system ) from Prestige Water is the best and maybe one of the most advantaged solution. You can feel safe about the water which you and your fami...
What really happened with our Tap Water
According to research articles and news, most tap, well and service water around the world now is not safe to drink due to industrial and environmental pollution. Water, make it safe to drink.
We have reached a point that, all sources of our drinking water, including municipal water systems, wel...
How much water should you drink?
The answer to that differs from person to person depending on your sex, health, weight and are you involved in physical activities/exercise.
Prestige Water recommends "eight glasses of water per day" or at least 2 lites. As the average adult loses around 2.5 liters of water every day, drinking 2 li...
Benchtop Water Filtration:
Floor Standing Water Filtration:
Exclusive Water Filtration:
Drinking Water and Water Filtration and Water Coolers
The water in Bororen is disco loured and the taste is disgusting and causes diarrhea and skin complaints, says mother-of...